Southern Folger
With its manufacturing facility based in San Antonio, Texas, USA, Southern Folger Detention Equipment Company is the world’s leading supplier of detention equipment, offering a complete line of equipment including locking devices, locks and hardware, furnishings and integrated security. Southern Folger’s Detention Equipment systems can be adapted to suit virtually any detention situation, from police stations to large complex facilities . Electronic locking in detention facilities is critical to providing accountability and separation of persons detained as well as authorised staff and detainees transitions through secured areas. Southern Folger’s range of electronic locking devices and mechanical detention locking systems provide a single, integrated solution for the detention / correctional environment by offering high security products combined with specialized services: security electronics integration, new construction, preventive maintenance, retrofit and upgrades to existing equipment, service and repair, and customized training programs
Southern Folger are the acknowledged leaders in introducing new innovations in product design and application, and today, own many patents for technology that is used in detention facilities all over the world. They have invested their resources in developing and promoting new technology in the area of pneumatics, integrated electronics systems and sliding door devices for detention facilities. The Electronics Division of Southern Folger offers a complete spectrum of technologies from touch screen controls to relay logic, including software integration of audio, video, card access and perimeter systems to provide complete system integration for any facility whether large or small.