While one of the purposes of Haroon Company’s other ranges of hardware and security systems is to keep the unwanted people out and the good people safely in, this range of hardware is designed to keep the bad people securely in and good people safe and free.
Since 1897 our principal M/s Southern Folger, who is a specialized manufacturer in this industry, enjoy more than a century of leadership in the detention field. In recognition of the fact that the creation of effective, modern detention facilities offers a unique challenge to architects and correctional authorities, Sothern Folger provides a single, integrated source of design, engineering and manufacturing of detention. They are the acknowledged leaders in introducing new innovations in product design and application, and today, own many patents for technology that is used in justice facilities all over the world. They have invested their resources in developing and promoting new technology in the area of pneumatics, integrated electronics systems and sliding door devices for detention facilities. The Electronics Department of M/s Southern Folger offers a complete spectrum of technologies from touch screen controls to relay logic, including software integration of audio, video, card access and perimeter systems to provide complete system integration for any facility, large or small.
Over the past many decades, Haroon Company has supplied the most superior quality hardware solutions for detention facilities which includes cell door hinges, food pass door hinges, cell door mechanical & electro-mechanical locks, remote control sliding system / prison entrance / corridor door hardware, in the entire Gulf region.
Smoke and Sound Fire Seals
The reduction of external noise is one of the main features of a good door detention. To ensure this, it is necessary to optimize the closing of the gap between the door and the floor. Therefore, a drought excluder represents an essential and necessary element in obtaining good results. Haroon Company supplies drought excluders in compliance with UNI EN ISO 10 140, UNI EN ISO 717 and DIN 52 210 standards with all products testing successfully at Instituto Giordano and the IFT Institute of Rossenheim.
Also, the resistance of a door and draught extruder to fire and the spread of the same is another prerequisite. Accordingly, Haroon Company is able to provide draught excluders with linings that comply with BS EN 476 and UL 94 standard, rendering them suitable for application on fire barrier doors.
The sealing off of the smoke in a secure fire compartment during the initial phases of a fire is essential for ensuring visibility and the habitability of the escape routes. For this reason, with reference to the UNI EN 1634 standard, we supply drought excluders which have passed smoke dispersion tests and are certified by BM TRADA.
Lastly, the function of a draught excluder is required to be long lasting. This is guaranteed through certification by Instituto Giordano where the products have tested successfully to 200,000 complete opening and closing movements of the door without detecting any limitation of function or signs of wear and tear.

Mechanical Locks

Electromechanical Locks

Pneumatic Locks

Sliding Door Systems

Perimeter Security

Maximum Security Cylinder